Real-world examples of cyber threat hunting provide valuable insights into how organisations can successfully identify and mitigate advanced threats. This part of the series will explore several case studies from recent years, highlighting the methods used and the outcomes achieved through proactive threat hunting.

Case Study 1: SolarWinds Attack (2020-2021)

The SolarWinds attack was a highly sophisticated cyber-espionage campaign that targeted numerous government agencies and private companies worldwide. The attackers inserted a backdoor, named SUNBURST, into the Orion software updates, which were then distributed to thousands of SolarWinds customers.

Threat Hunting in Action

Threat hunters played a crucial role in identifying and mitigating the SolarWinds attack. Here’s how they did it:

  • Initial Detection: The attack was first discovered by a security company that noticed unusual network traffic emanating from their systems. Threat hunters hypothesised that this could be an indicator of a sophisticated breach.
  • Data Collection and Analysis: Threat hunters collected extensive network traffic logs, endpoint data, and application logs. They used advanced tools to analyse this data, looking for signs of the SUNBURST backdoor and other malicious activities.
  • Indicators of Compromise (IOCs): By correlating data from various sources, threat hunters identified specific IOCs associated with the SUNBURST backdoor. These included unusual DNS queries and the presence of certain files on infected systems.
  • Response and Mitigation: Once the IOCs were confirmed, organisations took immediate action to isolate affected systems, remove the backdoor, and patch vulnerabilities. Threat hunters continued to monitor for any signs of residual or secondary infections.


The proactive efforts of threat hunters were instrumental in uncovering the SolarWinds attack and mitigating its impact. Their work helped organisations identify and neutralise the threat before it could cause further damage. The insights gained from this incident also led to improved security practices and collaboration across the cybersecurity community.

Case Study 2: The Colonial Pipeline Ransomware Attack (2021)

In May 2021, the Colonial Pipeline, one of the largest fuel pipelines in the United States, was hit by a ransomware attack. The attack forced the company to shut down its operations, leading to widespread fuel shortages and economic disruption.

Threat Hunting in Action

The response to the Colonial Pipeline attack involved extensive threat hunting efforts:

  • Initial Response: Upon detecting the ransomware, the company’s incident response team immediately shut down operations to prevent further spread. Threat hunters began investigating the entry point and lateral movement of the attackers.
  • Data Analysis: Threat hunters analysed system logs, network traffic, and endpoint data to trace the attackers’ activities. They identified that the attackers had gained initial access through a compromised VPN account.
  • Threat Intelligence Integration: By integrating threat intelligence, threat hunters identified the ransomware variant as DarkSide, a notorious ransomware-as-a-service group. This information helped them understand the TTPs (tactics, techniques, and procedures) used by the attackers.
  • Containment and Eradication: The threat hunters worked closely with blue teams to isolate infected systems, remove the ransomware, and restore operations. They also implemented enhanced security measures to prevent future attacks.


The threat hunting efforts were crucial in mitigating the impact of the Colonial Pipeline attack. By identifying the initial access point and understanding the attackers’ methods, the team was able to contain the threat and restore operations more quickly. This incident highlighted the importance of proactive threat hunting in responding to ransomware attacks.

Case Study 3: The 2022 Uber Data Breach

In 2022, Uber experienced a significant data breach that exposed sensitive information of its customers and employees. The breach was attributed to a phishing campaign that compromised several employee accounts.

Threat Hunting in Action

Here’s how threat hunters helped mitigate the Uber data breach:

  • Detection and Hypothesis: The breach was initially detected through unusual login attempts and data access patterns. Threat hunters hypothesised that a phishing campaign might have been the entry point.
  • Data Collection: Threat hunters gathered email logs, access logs, and network traffic data. They focused on identifying patterns and anomalies that could indicate compromised accounts.
  • Phishing Campaign Analysis: By analysing the data, threat hunters confirmed that a sophisticated phishing campaign had targeted Uber employees. They identified the phishing emails, malicious links, and compromised accounts.
  • Immediate Actions: The threat hunters collaborated with blue teams to reset passwords, revoke access for compromised accounts, and implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all employees.
  • Post-Incident Review: After containing the breach, the threat hunters conducted a thorough review to understand the full scope of the attack and identify areas for improvement. They also provided training to employees on recognising phishing attempts.


The proactive efforts of threat hunters significantly reduced the impact of the Uber data breach. By quickly identifying and responding to the phishing campaign, they prevented further data loss and strengthened the organisation’s security posture. The incident underscored the importance of threat hunting in detecting and mitigating social engineering attacks.

Real-world examples of cyber threat hunting demonstrate the critical role it plays in identifying and mitigating advanced threats. By leveraging advanced tools, skilled analysts, and proactive strategies, organisations can enhance their security posture and reduce the risk of significant cyber incidents. In the next part of this series, we will explore the future of cyber threat hunting, including emerging trends and technologies that will shape the field in the coming years.

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